Life is too short to waste any time... If you are struggling with a decision remember the time is now. Live life to the fullest and be the best at all you do! If your not giving 100% don't give at all...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Chris Gee Extreme Sporting

I know that sounds a bit dangerous but it's NOT. I posted earlier that I have taken up a new hobby of mountain biking. It has been so much fun, My first few days I worked my way up from like 3 miles to 5 miles, then 7 miles. Last night a friend and I decided to push ourselves and actually rode 18 MILES... 5 miles was off road trails and the rest was road ride. My goal is to ride 100 miles in one trip by the end of summer. I plan to be at 30 miles within 2 weeks. I love to shoot for a goal that is truly challenging and makes me go beyond what my mind has conceived. So anyways that's my blog for the day!!!! Wish me luck.


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